Monday, January 15, 2024

Godot Audio

In the previous entry we learn about the HUI and GUI, now it's time to add sounds. Godot's documentation for audio can be found here: However, as always, I wanted an easy example to work on...

Since I mentioned in the previous entry, I will be using those as the base for this example, but you can do the same in a clean new project without problems.

First you need to create an AudioStreamPlayer node (you will likely want it to be a child of a main node
to have modularity for future sounds). After that, go to your inspector panel and load your audio:

To do that, use Stream load (image below)

Once we have the node created and the audio load, it's time to create the script to work with. Attach/Create a script in the AudioStreamPlayer's parent node to control the reproduction. Don't worry about the code in this step, we'll do it later.

After that, it's time to make or repurpose a button to play the music. In this sample, we are repurposing the previous ChangeWindowTitle button (since those are values we don't see in the ps vita).
[If you are doing this in a new project, just create a node button and do this step using that button instead]
Go to the node's panel and connect (edit in our case):

Now select the node we have created for the audio, with the script (AudioTest in the image below):

Hint: You can change the name of the signal function, here we've used the old one to make it easier to follow.

The next step is writing the code for it:

extends Node

func _ready():
    pass # Replace with function body.

func _on_ChangeWindowTitle_pressed():
    if !$AudioStreamPlayer.playing:

And that's all for today.

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