Note: they may be overlapped with others, but that does not mean they are less important. Many people may have started with them instead.
The specific samples we are going to use for review are:
common: Common functions for samples.
debug_print: A minimal debug print sample.
debugscreen: Debug text printing sample.
pretty_livearea: A minimal hello world sample with example livearea styling and features.
Note: As we did with the first sample entry, we are going to review the files primarily.
Without further ado, let's start!
SAMPLE "common"
// headers and functions for the screen output. Data formats, and its memory control.
//Like the name says it has the font properties at low-level.
SAMPLE "debug_print"
// it basically shows you a printf like the hello_world sample, but with more details (foreground/background colors)
// to make your debugging more appealing with colors in your printed messages.
SAMPLE "debugscreen"
// test functions to check stuff on the vita, it has a lot of info about what is shown on screen.
SAMPLE "pretty_live area"
// it has the same code as in the hello_world sample. But here you have other 2 images, to know how to make your homebrew more atractive.
Some screenshots from the samples running on the vita:
pretty_live area |
debug_print |
debugscreen |
And that's all for this entry.