After all these time, we have read almost all the samples and we have a brief understanding of the basics, now we have to plan ahead.
We have some "big" options to develop for the vita:
- Unity for ps vita (we will talk about this later)
- PSM (Play Station Mobile) .
- Game Maker Studio (with gmx to vpk)
- c/c++ as we have been reading
- sdl (which we introduced with the rectangle sample).
With this in mind, we have decided to make 2 projects:
- ice_puck which will be the one about hockey. Long term.
This project will be probably made in unity because, we want it to be easy to port/help, and as widely known as posible.
- Bmax which will be a launcher with a fakebot look. Short term to unknown.
This project will be made with sdl because we want something in c/c++ but with graphic libraries. To practice
coding and keep learning about everything. In this project we can also insert other simpler ones (and we will do).
For the blog, we will write each project in its own lables and entries.
Note: although we will explain everything about the progress of each project, the files will be always found in Bmax, and Ice_Puck.
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