This sample is about the time clock on the vita.
Note: for those who didn't know, rtc stands for Real-Time-Clock
As always, we are going to use as reference the vitasdk documentation, being vitasdk rtc.h the particular section for today. Also, you can read about the rtc header from the linux man rtc.h.
Note: this entry is very simple, you only need to read the functions in the prints to see what is doing. Besides, we haven't said it before but, with the printf we should start getting used to the different print formats
Note 2: there is a TODO on this sample, we are skiping it. However, doing it, would be a good practice.
SAMPLE "rtc"
: A minimal RTC sample.
#include <psp2/kernel/processmgr.h>
#include <psp2/rtc.h>
#include "debugScreen.h"
#define printf psvDebugScreenPrintf
// main program
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
psvDebugScreenInit(); // needed for the prints to show on the vita screen.
SceDateTime time;
sceRtcGetCurrentClock(&time, 13);
printf("Phoenix Island Time:%04d/%02d/%02d %02d:%02d:%02d:%i\n",
printf("Your Local Time:%04d/%02d/%02d %02d:%02d:%02d:%i Valid:%i\n",
printf("We are the %ith days of the week (Sun:0)\n",
sceRtcGetDayOfWeek(sceRtcGetYear(&time), sceRtcGetMonth(&time), sceRtcGetDay(&time)));
printf("They are %i days this month and this %s a lap year\n",
sceRtcGetDaysInMonth(sceRtcGetYear(&time), sceRtcGetMonth(&time)),
sceRtcIsLeapYear(sceRtcGetYear(&time))?"is":"is not");
printf("Tick Resolution = %i\n", sceRtcGetTickResolution());
SceRtcTick current, network, utc, local;
printf(" Current %s:%llu\n", sceRtcGetCurrentTick (¤t )?"FAIL":"", current.tick);
printf(" Network %s:%llu\n", sceRtcGetCurrentNetworkTick(&network )?"FAIL":"", network.tick);
printf(" Loc2UTC %s:%llu\n", sceRtcConvertLocalTimeToUtc(¤t, &utc)?"FAIL":"", utc.tick);
printf(" UTC2Loc %s:%llu\n", sceRtcConvertUtcToLocalTime(&utc, &local )?"FAIL":"", local.tick);
printf(" Loc %c UTC\n","<=>"[sceRtcCompareTick(¤t, &utc)+1]);
printf(" UTC %c Loc\n","<=>"[sceRtcCompareTick(&utc, ¤t)+1]);
printf(" UTC %c UTC\n","<=>"[sceRtcCompareTick(&utc, &utc )+1]);
SceRtcTick add1000, us1000, sec120, min120, hour48, days32, week64, month13, year1000;
printf(" T+1000 %s:%llu\n", sceRtcTickAddTicks (&add1000, ¤t, 1000)?"FAIL":"", add1000.tick);
printf(" Us+1000 %s:%llu\n", sceRtcTickAddMicroseconds(&us1000, ¤t, 1000)?"FAIL":"", us1000.tick);
printf(" S+120 %s:%llu\n", sceRtcTickAddSeconds (&sec120, ¤t, 120)?"FAIL":"", sec120.tick);
printf(" M+120 %s:%llu\n", sceRtcTickAddMinutes (&min120, ¤t, 120)?"FAIL":"", min120.tick);
printf(" H+48 %s:%llu\n", sceRtcTickAddHours (&hour48, ¤t, 48)?"FAIL":"", hour48.tick);
printf(" D+32 %s:%llu\n", sceRtcTickAddDays (&days32, ¤t, 32)?"FAIL":"", days32.tick);
printf(" W+64 %s:%llu\n", sceRtcTickAddWeeks (&week64, ¤t, 64)?"FAIL":"", week64.tick);
printf(" M+13 %s:%llu\n", sceRtcTickAddMonths (&month13, ¤t, 13)?"FAIL":"", month13.tick);
printf(" Y+1000 %s:%llu\n", sceRtcTickAddYears (&year1000,¤t, 1000)?"FAIL":"", year1000.tick);
char rfc3339_loc[128], rfc3339_12[128], rfc2822_loc[128], rfc2822_12[128];
printf("RFC3339local %s:%s\n", sceRtcFormatRFC3339LocalTime(rfc3339_loc,&utc )?"FAIL":"", rfc3339_loc);
printf("RFC3339 + 2 %s:%s\n", sceRtcFormatRFC3339 (rfc3339_12, &utc, -120)?"FAIL":"", rfc3339_12);
printf("RFC2822local %s:%s\n", sceRtcFormatRFC2822LocalTime(rfc2822_loc,&utc )?"FAIL":"", rfc2822_loc);
printf("RFC2822 - 2 %s:%s\n", sceRtcFormatRFC2822 (rfc2822_12, &utc, +120)?"FAIL":"", rfc2822_12);
const char*rfc_ex1 = "2002-10-02T10:00:00-05:00";
const char*rfc_ex2 = "2002-10-02T15:00:00Z";
const char*rfc_ex3 = "2002-10-02T15:00:00.05Z";
SceRtcTick parse_ex1, parse_ex2, parse_ex3;
printf("RFC3339_1 %s:%-26s->%llu\n", sceRtcParseRFC3339(&parse_ex1, rfc_ex1)?"FAIL":"", rfc_ex1, parse_ex1.tick);
printf("RFC3339_2 %s:%-26s->%llu\n", sceRtcParseRFC3339(&parse_ex2, rfc_ex2)?"FAIL":"", rfc_ex2, parse_ex2.tick);
printf("RFC3339_3 %s:%-26s->%llu\n", sceRtcParseRFC3339(&parse_ex3, rfc_ex3)?"FAIL":"", rfc_ex3, parse_ex3.tick);
const char*datetime_ex1 = "2002-10-02T10:00:00-05:00";
const char*datetime_ex2 = "2002-10-02T15:00:00Z";
const char*datetime_ex3 = "2002-10-02T15:00:00.05Z";
SceRtcTick parsedDate_ex1, parsedDate_ex2, parsedDate_ex3;
printf("datetime_1 %s:%-26s->%llu\n",sceRtcParseDateTime(&parsedDate_ex1, datetime_ex1)?"FAIL":"", datetime_ex1, parsedDate_ex1);
printf("datetime_2 %s:%-26s->%llu\n",sceRtcParseDateTime(&parsedDate_ex2, datetime_ex2)?"FAIL":"", datetime_ex2, parsedDate_ex2);
printf("datetime_3 %s:%-26s->%llu\n",sceRtcParseDateTime(&parsedDate_ex3, datetime_ex3)?"FAIL":"", datetime_ex3, parsedDate_ex3);
/* TODO (aka not implemented in the sample)
sceRtcSetTime_t(&time, time_t iTime);
sceRtcSetTime64_t(&time, SceUInt64 ullTime);
sceRtcGetTime_t(const &time, time_t *piTime);
sceRtcGetTime64_t(const &time, SceUInt64 *pullTime);
sceRtcSetDosTime(&time, unsigned int uiDosTime);
sceRtcGetDosTime(const &time, unsigned int *puiDosTime);
sceRtcSetWin32FileTime(&time, SceUInt64 ulWin32Time);
sceRtcGetWin32FileTime(const &time, SceUInt64 *ulWin32Time);
sceRtcSetTick(&time, const &tick);
sceRtcGetTick(const &time, &tick);
int i=60;
/* This use in fact two separate operators,
and >
The conditional's code decrements i
while returning i
's original (not decremented) value,
and then compares the original value with 0
using the >
operator */
printf("This sample will close in %2i seconds\r", i); // use the i value as a timer to close the sample
sceKernelExitProcess(0); // close the vita proccess runing, usually close the app
return 0;
Screenshot from the sample running on the vita:
And that's all for this sample
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