To help us to understand the functions we have to use the vitasdk documentation, for this specific sample we will use the camera section.
SAMPLE "camera"
: Demonstration of camera features.#include <stdbool.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <psp2/kernel/sysmem.h>
#include <psp2/display.h>
#include <psp2/ctrl.h>
#include <psp2/camera.h>
#include <psp2/kernel/processmgr.h>
// screen memory allocation variables
#define ARRAYSIZE(x) (sizeof(x)/sizeof(*x))
#define DISPLAY_WIDTH 640
#define DISPLAY_HEIGHT 368
// main program
int main(void){
void* base;
// memory allocation for the camera buffer
SceUID memblock = sceKernelAllocMemBlock("camera", SCE_KERNEL_MEMBLOCK_TYPE_USER_CDRAM_RW, 256 * 1024 * 5, NULL);
sceKernelGetMemBlockBase(memblock, &base);
SceDisplayFrameBuf dbuf = { sizeof(SceDisplayFrameBuf), base, DISPLAY_WIDTH, 0, DISPLAY_WIDTH, DISPLAY_HEIGHT};
int cur_res = 1;// 1-8 (maybe more)
int cur_cam = 0;//front:0, back:1
int cur_fps = 6;
int cur_fmt = 5;
// set sample mode
SceCtrlData ctrl_peek;SceCtrlData ctrl_press;
// basics options variables about the data info of the pictures
int cur_sat=0,cur_rev=0,cur_efx=0,cur_iso=0,cur_zom=10,cur_nim=0,cur_wbl=0;
size_t res_table[][2] = {{0,0},{640,480},{320,240},{160,120},{352,288},{176,144},{480,272},{640,360},{640,360}};
size_t fps_table[] = {3,5,7,10,15,20,30};
sceCameraOpen(cur_cam, &(SceCameraInfo){
.size = sizeof(SceCameraInfo),
.format = cur_fmt,//422_TO_ABGR
.resolution = cur_res,
.framerate = fps_table[cur_fps],
.sizeIBase = 4*res_table[cur_res][0]*res_table[cur_res][1],
.pitch = 4*(DISPLAY_WIDTH-res_table[cur_res][0]),
.pIBase = base,
sceCameraStart(cur_cam); // start the camera
// setting camera features and commanidng buttons
ctrl_press = ctrl_peek;
sceCtrlPeekBufferPositive(0, &ctrl_peek, 1);
ctrl_press.buttons = ctrl_peek.buttons & ~ctrl_press.buttons;
sceCameraSetBrightness(cur_cam, ctrl_press.rx);
sceCameraSetContrast(cur_cam, ctrl_press.ry-100);
sceCameraSetEV(cur_cam, (ctrl_press.lx-128)/7);//-20...20
sceCameraSetGain(cur_cam, (<100)?;//0..16 //don't seem to work
if(ctrl_press.buttons & SCE_CTRL_TRIANGLE)
sceCameraSetSaturation(cur_cam, cur_sat=((cur_sat+5)%45));
if(ctrl_press.buttons & SCE_CTRL_CIRCLE)
sceCameraSetReverse(cur_cam, cur_rev=((cur_rev+1)%4));
if(ctrl_press.buttons & SCE_CTRL_CROSS)
if(ctrl_press.buttons & SCE_CTRL_SQUARE)
sceCameraSetEffect(cur_cam, cur_efx=((cur_efx+1)%7));
if(ctrl_press.buttons & SCE_CTRL_LTRIGGER)
sceCameraSetWhiteBalance(cur_cam, cur_wbl=((cur_wbl+1)%4));
if(ctrl_press.buttons & SCE_CTRL_RTRIGGER)
sceCameraSetNightmode(cur_cam, cur_nim=((cur_nim+1)%4));
if(ctrl_press.buttons & SCE_CTRL_SELECT)
sceCameraSetZoom(cur_cam, cur_zom=((cur_zom+1)%41));
/* TODO: find more button combo to trigg :
sceCameraSetAntiFlicker(int cur_cam, int mode);
sceCameraSetBacklight(int cur_cam, int mode);
SceCameraRead read = {sizeof(SceCameraRead),0/*<Blocking*/};
sceCameraRead(cur_cam, &read);
sceDisplaySetFrameBuf(&dbuf, SCE_DISPLAY_SETBUF_NEXTFRAME);
// actual testing functions and comunicating the commands to the console
if(ctrl_press.buttons & SCE_CTRL_UP)
if(ctrl_press.buttons & SCE_CTRL_DOWN)
if(ctrl_press.buttons & SCE_CTRL_LEFT)
//may overflow the drawbuffer => TODO:reallocate drawbuff on format change
//if(ctrl_press.buttons & SCE_CTRL_RIGHT)
// cur_fmt=(cur_fmt+1)%9;
}while(!(ctrl_press.buttons & SCE_CTRL_START)); // sample loop for testing until start button is pressed
sceKernelFreeMemBlock(memblock); // free the used memory block
sceKernelExitProcess(0); // close the vita proccess runing, usually close the app
return 0;
Some screenshots from the sample running on the vita:
Daily mode |
Negative mode |
Negative + mirror mode (180 degree rotation) |
Yellow filter |
Pink filter |
Rear screen in the corner, with front screen frozen |
And that's all for this sample.
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