For the enemy to attack, the player needs to have a hurtbox and some stats. That's the first thing we are going to do.
- Add a hurtbox and a stats child node to your player
- As we did with the enemy, we need to connect the no_health signal from the player stats too
- Yes, we also need another signal connected to the player for the hurtbox Area entered too
* After connecting this signal, you should have two, one for the hitbox to the area (for the animation effect), and one for the hitbox to the player (for the damage).
- After that, add the variable and the function for the player to update their stats
`onready var stats = $Stats` and
func _on_Hurtbox_area_entered(area): -= area.damage
- So, the player can be hurt, but the enemy doesn't have a hitbox, it's time to change that. Add a hitbox child node to your enemy
* Don't forget its shape, for now we will just attach a circle shape (will update this according to enemy's attacks later)
* It also needs the mask set up properly, 3 = player hurtbox:
With all of that, our enemy can kill the player now. However, the player never exits the area hitbox and the enemy can't repeat the attack until that.
>>> Things to fix: The enemy attack animation and hitbox, and the enemy exiting the area. Both should be fixable at the same time when we do the attack sprite animation part.
>>> Things to fix 2: enemy Sprite Overlap. If there is more than one enemy following you they overlap and you only see one sprite which also affect to colliders.
- Add a hurtbox and a stats child node to your player
- As we did with the enemy, we need to connect the no_health signal from the player stats too
- Yes, we also need another signal connected to the player for the hurtbox Area entered too
* After connecting this signal, you should have two, one for the hitbox to the area (for the animation effect), and one for the hitbox to the player (for the damage).
- After that, add the variable and the function for the player to update their stats
`onready var stats = $Stats` and
func _on_Hurtbox_area_entered(area): -= area.damage
- So, the player can be hurt, but the enemy doesn't have a hitbox, it's time to change that. Add a hitbox child node to your enemy
* Don't forget its shape, for now we will just attach a circle shape (will update this according to enemy's attacks later)
* It also needs the mask set up properly, 3 = player hurtbox:
With all of that, our enemy can kill the player now. However, the player never exits the area hitbox and the enemy can't repeat the attack until that.
>>> Things to fix: The enemy attack animation and hitbox, and the enemy exiting the area. Both should be fixable at the same time when we do the attack sprite animation part.
>>> Things to fix 2: enemy Sprite Overlap. If there is more than one enemy following you they overlap and you only see one sprite which also affect to colliders.
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